Donn Taylor, Author and Poet at ACFW Conference
Donn and Mildred Taylor - Blue Ridge Mountain 2012
Donn Taylor with wife Mildred in 1964.

Donn Taylor with Mildred.

I used to enjoy saying, in mixed company, that when Mildred and I got married we didn't have a pot to put flowers in.


It was fun to watch the consternation as the dreaded word approached, followed by the visible relief when it didn't occur.


I wish I'd invented that line, but I stole it from an old Gary Cooper movie which I've otherwise forgotten.

                                                                             --- Donn Taylor

Donn Taylor @ Goodreads

I'm working now as a novelist and poet, also teaching at writers' groups and conferences. In a prior incarnation I served in two wars with the U.S. Army.


Afterwards, I taught English literature at two liberal arts colleges.


The World's Perfect Woman consented to honor me in marriage, and we enjoyed six decades together until the Lord needed another alto for His heavenly choir.


I live in the woods near Houston, TX, writing fiction, poetry, and essays on current topics.

We were lovers through 61 years, seven months and four days, until her long battle with ovarian cancer ended. She never complained, and she never doubted where she was going. Nor do I doubt where I’m going when the Lord calls. As I wrote in another poem, at the trumpet's call,


"We wake to the Promise. There in that golden time 

We’ll walk together with many millions more

 Into the daylight of eternity.”

Bits and Pieces


Blue Ridge Mountain Christian
Writers Conference - 2012 -

Donn & Mildred

- ACFW -

American Christian Fiction Writers
Conference - Denver, CO - 2009

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